SEO/SEM Analytics

Best 25 SEO-friendly templates for your business

Best 25 SEO-friendly templates for your business
Website development from scratch usually demands a lot of resources that sometimes may be more useful for other tasks. Fortunately, website templates exist that will facilitate not only the development process but are search-engine-friendly.  You can find thousands of different templates for any type of website on the Internet. You can use the ready-made solution and customize the interface design for the needs of your business. You’ll have to simply choose a template, apply it to your site, and customize it with your own content.
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A Complete Google Search Console Guide For SEO Pros via @sejournal, @martinibuster

A Complete Google Search Console Guide For SEO Pros via @sejournal, @martinibuster
Google search console provides data necessary to monitor website performance in search and improve search rankings, information that is exclusively available through Search Console. This makes it indispensable for online business and publishers that are keen to maximize success. Taking control of your search presence is easier to do when using the free tools and reports. What Is Google Search Console?
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6 SEO Challenges Brands Anticipate in 2022 [HubSpot Blog Data]

6 SEO Challenges Brands Anticipate in 2022 [HubSpot Blog Data]
In 1990, the key to SEO success relied on keywords. Today, it's way more complicated. The SEO landscape is constantly evolving, and marketers must evolve along with it. But to do that, it's important reflect on the biggest SEO challenges this year — and create a game plan to address them. Let's review the top six SEO challenges brands are facing in 2022, according to data from HubSpot Blog's 2022 Web Traffic & Analytics Report and other marketing experts.
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The Ultimate Semrush SEO Audit (Checklist + PDF)

The Ultimate Semrush SEO Audit (Checklist + PDF)
SEO is a big machine with lots of little moving parts—sometimes it can stress out the most seasoned of SEOs.  So how can you make sure everything works just right?  Level up your knowledge and download this free SEO audit checklist and PDF. You'll find tips and tricks on all kinds of website issues so you'll never lose track of what to do next.
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Welcome to the Fastest Backlink Discovery Tool Ever

Welcome to the Fastest Backlink Discovery Tool Ever
It’s 2021, you need your digital marketing to move fast.  To compete, you’ll need the fastest backlink analytics tools and the freshest database on the market to match with full reporting capabilities.  To help you find, report and manage backlinks, Semrush is launching the fastest backlink analytics checker in the market. It's not just rebuilt, it's completely new!  Welcome to the future of dynamic backlink management.
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Guide to Google Penalties: Full list and ways to avoid them

Guide to Google Penalties: Full list and ways to avoid them
Google is constantly working on its algorithms to improve search quality and give users the best possible answers to their search queries. However, it would be naive to think that algorithms can do the whole job flawlessly.  In addition to algorithms, Google also has a Search Quality team that manually reviews websites that show signs of unethical behavior. In fact, it is a full-time job for the Google Search Quality team to decide whether a particular website has or has not violated the rules.
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Technical SEO Audits: Tips For Successful Implementation

Technical SEO Audits: Tips For Successful Implementation
According to BrightEdge, 68 percent of all online experiences start with a search engine, and 53 percent of website traffic corgomes from organic search. Yet, only 0.78 percent of these searchers click results on the second page of Google. That means if you’re not showing up on the front page of the SERPs, you aren’t getting traffic. 
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What Is Anchor Text? Everything You Need To Know for SEO

What Is Anchor Text? Everything You Need To Know for SEO
Most marketers know link building is one of the countless critical factors for boosting your search engine rankings in the eyes of the Google Gods.  However, the words you choose for linking out and into your site matter too – and quite a lot! Those words are called anchor text, and Google’s algorithms pay more attention to them than newbies (and even some marketing veterans) realize.
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How to Prevent Click Fraud on Your PPC Ads

How to Prevent Click Fraud on Your PPC Ads
You’ve worked hard to perfect your ad campaign, create action-inducing landing pages, and win sales. Your ads have just gone live, but there’s one big problem: People are out there clicking your ads over and over with absolutely no intention of buying anything. It sounds dramatic, but click fraud is something advertisers should be aware of (advertisers lose around $5.8 billion a year globally), and it can make a difference to the success of your ads.
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8 Google Ads Conversion Tracking Hang-Ups and How to Fix Them

Conversion tracking is a feature in Google Ads that keeps tabs of what meaningful actions are completed by visitors on your website or landing page. This is to help you better understand the effectiveness, as well as the return on investment, for your ad spend and marketing efforts. But as great as it sounds, it gets complicated. You start hitting snags. Conversions fall off. Things start breaking. Next thing you know, you’re in an account with skewed conversion data and no idea if the money put towards your ads is actually making a difference in your business’s success.
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How SA360 can help you level up your Google Ads ad performance

How SA360 can help you level up your Google Ads ad performance
Many brands depend on Google media buying platforms for the success of their campaigns and many have relied for years on Google’s free solution, Google Ads. Formerly known as Google Adwords, Google Ads is the place to go for buying paid search advertising on the Google search engine. Google Ads campaigns can be managed directly...
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5 Excel Tricks for Creating Paid Ad Campaigns

5 Excel Tricks for Creating Paid Ad Campaigns
To create a paid ad campaign effectively, you need a solid strategy for organizing your data and tracking your ad performance.  Excel spreadsheets can do just that. While a spreadsheet might not seem like the most intuitive tool for managing your marketing efforts, there are many Excel tricks you can use to quickly streamline your
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Future-proof your measurement with privacy-safe solutions

Future-proof your measurement with privacy-safe solutions
Getting the most out of your marketing investments requires a clear understanding of what actions people take after interacting with your ads. In today’s evolving privacy landscape, growing your business calls for new approaches to measurement that preserve advertising performance and also put the user first.  Now’s the time to adopt new privacy-safe techniques to ensure your measurement remains accurate and actionable. And while this can seem daunting, we’re here to help you succeed in a world with fewer cookies and other identifiers with new ways to respect user consent, measure conversions and unlock granular insights from your sites and apps. 
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