A deep-dive into Principal Coordinates Analysis with R and Python examples on Perceptual Mapping and Product BrandingPrincipal Coordinates Analysis — Photo by Calvin Hanson on UnsplashPrincipal Coordinates AnalysisIn this article, you will discover Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA), also known as Metric Multidimensional Scaling (metric MDS). You’ll learn what Principal Coordinates Analysis is, when to use it, and how to implement it on a real example using Python and/or R.
A Step-by-Step Strategy for B2B Pillar Pages
A great way for B2B companies to fill a top-of-funnel content gap is by creating pillar pages. To help get you started, guest host Carly Schoonhoven of Obility walks you through a simple strategy for implementing pillar pages on your website.
5 Steps to Build an Enterprise Data Strategy, Straight From an Expert
Data can be a scary word. It shouldn't be, but it is. Mostly because people struggle with how to manage it. Many companies have reached the point where they have so much data, they don't know where to go next. Others believe they are so small, there's no need to invest in an enterprise data strategy.
A CIO weighs in on how AI can benefit non-technical roles, particularly HR
Jeff Gregory, the Thirdera CIO, discussed how AI can impact non-technical roles in an organization, especially in the realm of human resources.
Long Waves: The History of Innovation Cycles
Why are innovation cycles and business growth linked so closely? We explore waves of creative destruction across history.
The Data Privacy Paradox and Digital Demand
Data privacy worrywarts appear to be the most promiscuous. What gives?
Avoid These 10 Data Storytelling Mistakes That Undermine Your Expertise
Avoid 10 data storytelling mistakes and try these tips instead to better communicate digital marketing performance — good and bad. The post Avoid These 10 Data Storytelling Mistakes That Undermine Your Expertise appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
To Protect Consumer Data, Don’t Do Everything on the Cloud
When collecting consumer data, there is almost always a risk to consumer privacy. Sensitive information could be leaked unintentionally or breached by bad actors. For example, the Equifax data breach of 2017 compromised the personal information of 143 million U.S. consumers. Smaller breaches, which you may or may not hear about, happen all the time. As companies collect more data — and rely more heavily on its insights — the potential for data to be compromised will likely only grow.
How to Choose the Right CRM System
Choosing the right CRM system will give your business a clear view of your customer's journey from prospect to sales, customer support, and even retention.
MLOps : Machine Learning Operations in Microsoft Azure
Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) is the primary way to increase the efficiency of Machine Learning workflows. Machine Learning is a big buzzword these days. Everyone seems to be wanting to jump into ML these days. Many new companies and startups implement ML projects in many ways. But only a part of these products is able to run and sustain themselves in the long run.
Machine Learning Process in 7 Steps
In this article, I describe the various steps involved in managing a machine learning process from beginning to end. Depending on which company you work for, you may or may not be involved in all the steps. In larger companies, you typically focus on one or two specialized aspects of a project. In small companies, you may be involved in all the steps. Here the focus is on large projects, such as developing a taxonomy, as opposed to ad-hoc or one-time analyses. I also mention all the people involved, besides machine learning professionals.
Mapped: Global Happiness Levels in 2021
Global happiness levels are determined by many diverse factors. These maps look at the happiest and unhappiest countries in every region. The post Mapped: Global Happiness Levels in 2021 appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
Power BI June 2021 Feature Summary
Welcome to the June update! Loads of updates on connectors this time around. Also, DirectQuery support for Dataflows is now generally available! On top of that, we are happy to announce the preview of the paginated reports visual – we know many of you have been eagerly awaiting it, so take it for a spin and provide your feedback! Our Small Multiples and DirectQuery for Power BI datasets and Azure Analysis Services previews are still ongoing and receiving some updates this month.
Your Data Supply Chains Are Probably a Mess. Here’s How to Fix Them.
Data is more important than ever, but most organizations still struggle with a few common issues: They focus more on data infrastructure than data products; data is often created with the needs of a particular department in mind, but little thought for the end use; they lack a common “data language” with each department coding and classifying with their own system; and they’re increasingly focused on outside data, but have few quality control systems in place. By focusing on “data supply chain” management, companies can address these and other issues. Similar to physical supply chains, companies should think systematically, focus on end products, define standards and measurements, introduce quality controls, and constantly refine their approach across all phases of data gathering and analysis.
Banning Surveillance-Based Advertising
The Norwegian Consumer Council just published a fantastic new report: “Time to Ban Surveillance-Based Advertising.” From the Introduction: The challenges caused and entrenched by surveillance-based advertising include, but are not limited to: privacy and data protection infringements opaque business models manipulation and discrimination at scale fraud and other criminal activity serious security risks In the following chapters, we describe various aspects of these challenges and point out how today’s dominant model of online advertising is a threat to consumers, democratic societies, the media, and even to advertisers themselves. These issues are significant and serious enough that we believe that it is time to ban these detrimental practices...
Data Visualization 101: 4 Tips To Convert Data To Information Quickly
Data science is all about extracting the information from the data gathered. As data has become one of the essential entities in today's world, it drives substantial business profits. It also inspires many to launch their startup based on the assessments they perform of the user interests. While it seems a simple option to get started with, converting the data into something useful is not that simple.
When Low-Code/No-Code Development Works — and When It Doesn’t
For several decades, organizations have had two alternatives when they needed new information systems. They could build a new system using their own developers, or they could buy a system from an external vendor. The “build” approach, like a custom suit or dress, offers a close fit to business requirements. But as with custom tailoring of clothing, it typically means higher costs and a long wait. Systems from vendors, like off-the-rack clothing, don’t fit as well but are typically much cheaper and can be installed faster. Sometimes companies can configure these systems, but firms often find it easier to change their business to suit the system than vice-versa.
5 Questions Boards Should Be Asking About Digital Transformation
The CEO of a large retail company recently brought a $500 million digital-transformation-investment plan to his board. The board reviewed the proposal, but after asking a number of questions, they were unable to evaluate it. Was it too costly? Was it aiming too low? Was it focused on the right priorities? One board member admitted he just didn’t know.
Exploring Mito: Automatic Python Code for SpreadSheet Operations
Mito is a Python Library and can be installed via the pip package manager. It requires Python 3.6 and above version. Also, Nodejs, which is a JavaScript runtime environment should be installed on your system. I want to mention that you should install this package in a separate environment (virtual environment) to avoid any dependency error. Let’s go through the installation steps (run these commands in the terminal).
How to Build a Data Warehouse Using PostgreSQL in Python?
Data warehouse generalizes and mingles data in multidimensional space. The construction or structure of a data warehouse involves Data Cleaning, Data Integration, and Data Transformation, and it can be viewed as an “important preprocessing step for data mining”.