Data Analytics

Power BI March 2021 Feature Summary

This month, we are continuing our work on the ongoing previews of DirectQuery for PowerBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services, Small Multiples, and the Model View UI. Also, we are making it easier to specify filters in the DAX CALCULATE function. On the Service side, when you click on a dataset in the workspace list view you will be taken to our new dataset details page, which includes information about when the report was last refreshed as well as actions such as creating a new report. Of course, there is much more, so read on!
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How I Became a Recruiter-Magnet on LinkedIn

How I Became a Recruiter-Magnet on LinkedIn
13 months of experimentation boiled down to actionable advicePhoto by inlytics on UnsplashIf you’ve been following what I have been saying in other pieces, feel free to skip ahead to the advice in the next session.
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Data Analyst Skills – 8 Skills You Need to Get a Job – Dataquest Blog

Data Analyst Skills – 8 Skills You Need to Get a Job – Dataquest Blog
What is a Data Analyst? To put it simply, a data analyst is someone who uses technical skills to analyze data and report insights. On a typical day, a data analyst might use SQL skills to pull data from a company database, use programming skills to analyze that data, and then use communication skills to report their results to a larger audience.
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10 resources for data science self-study

10 resources for data science self-study
Many resources exist for the self-study of data science. In our modern age of information technology, an enormous amount of free learning resources are available to anyone, and with effort and dedication, you can master the fundamentals of data science.
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We Don’t Need Data Scientists, We Need Data Engineers

As more people are entering the field of Data Science and more companies are hiring for data-centric roles, what type of jobs are currently in highest demand? There is so much data in the world, and it just keeps flooding in, it now looks like companies are targeting those who can engineer that data more than those who can only model the data.
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