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Predictive Metrics in GA4 – The Future of Analytics?

Predictive Metrics in GA4 – The Future of Analytics?
The introduction of predictive metrics in Google Analytics 4 is a huge game changer for digital marketers. Instead of reports about past behavior of website visitors, Google’s Artificial Intelligence can now give you a glimpse of the future and a clear hint on where to put your marketing focus in the next week(s). Here is another prediction for you. Read the article and you will impress your clients or boss the next time they talk to you about GA4.
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Google Analytics & Search Console Data Never Match – And Here’s Why via @sejournal, @martinibuster

Google Analytics & Search Console Data Never Match – And Here’s Why via @sejournal, @martinibuster
Google Analytics and Search Console data do not match. The discrepancy creates the impression that the data is inaccurate in some way. The reality is that the data is in fact accurate. The discrepancy exists in what is being tracked and how Google chooses to present it. Reconciling Google Analytics and Search Console data can be difficult because the numbers don’t really match. The reason is because both services are solving different problems. Because of that reason, both services take different approaches to how data is collected and reported.
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23 Key Benefits of Google Analytics 4

23 Key Benefits of Google Analytics 4
When people talk about Google Analytics 4, they often compare it to its predecessor, Universal Analytics. How is GA4 better? Why should I use it? If you have similar questions in mind, this blog post is exactly what you need. In it, I will walk you through the top benefits of Google Analytics 4. But keep in mind that these Google Analytics 4 benefits are listed in no particular order. Ready? Let’s go.
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10 Google Analytics 4 Mistakes in Configuration You Should Avoid

10 Google Analytics 4 Mistakes in Configuration You Should Avoid
After auditing and working with many Google Analytics 4 setups, I noticed that some errors occur more often than others. Some of them are the result of the unintuitive structure/interface of GA4, others might be considered a misunderstanding. To help you with that, I have picked the 10 common Google Analytics 4 mistakes. In this blog post, I will explain what they are and how to fix/avoid them.
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How to Use Google Analytics 4 for Beginners [2021 Guide]

How to Use Google Analytics 4 for Beginners [2021 Guide]
Enter Google Analytics. Google Analytics turns on your website’s metaphorical lights to reveal who’s visiting it, how they’re finding it, and what they’re doing there. You can then use this data to confidently put one foot in front of the
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Google Analytics 4 Conversion Rate

Google Analytics 4 Conversion Rate
In Google Analytics, you can define any actions that are valuable to your business as a conversion. For example, someone completing your contact form, signing up for your newsletter, or making a purchase could all be considered conversions. And your conversion rate is the percentage of people (based on either sessions or users) who visit your website and complete your desired action, compared to your total number of website visitors.
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How Does Cookie-Less Tracking Work in Google Analytics 4

How Does Cookie-Less Tracking Work in Google Analytics 4
There are so many changes that come along with Google Analytics 4. From relatively small things like the loss of bounce rate to big changes like the introduction of data streams, GA4 is a whole new beast. But what's all this about cookieless tracking in Google Analytics 4? GA4 is promoted as privacy-centric and has
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How to Set Up GA4 Web Tracking

How to Set Up GA4 Web Tracking
With all we’ve been hearing about Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and how it’s one of the biggest changes to Analytics we’ve ever seen, it can feel intimidating to know where to begin. While there’s still a lot of unknowns, one of the best ways to set yourself up for success is by setting up a basic web install of GA4.
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How to Track Clicks on a Link in Google Analytics 4

How to Track Clicks on a Link in Google Analytics 4
If you're a marketer, you've undoubtedly asked yourself, "How can I track clicks on a link in Google Analytics?" Tracking clicks can help you understand where your audience is going from one page to another. It'll also let you know what links they're interested in, what CTAs they're clicking, and more.
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Introducing the new Google Analytics

Introducing the new Google Analytics
Millions of businesses, large and small, rely on Google Analytics to understand customer preferences and create better experiences for them. With more commerce moving online and businesses under increased pressure to make every marketing dollar count, insights from digital analytics tools are even more critical.
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